How blessed are those who know their need of God.
The Kingdom of God is theirs.
Lead us to freedom,
And banish darkness from our hearts and minds.
May God free, heal and strengthen us and raise us to new life.
We admit our shortcomings and seek a renewed gospel life.
Part of a poem written by St. Francis himself
Most High, all powerful, good Lord,
to you be the praise, the glory and the honour and every blessing.
May you be praised, My Lord, through all your creatures,
especially Sir brother sun, through whom you lighten the day for us.
He is beautiful and radiant with great splendour.
He signifies you, O Most High.
Be praised, my Lord, through sister moon and the stars,
In the heavens they are clear and precious and lovely.
Be praised, my Lord, through brother wind
and by air and clouds, clear skies and all weathers,
through which you sustain your creatures.
Be praised, my Lord, through sister water,
who is very useful and humble and precious and pure.
Be praised, my Lord, through brother fire,
by whom the night is illumined for us,
he is beautiful and cheerful, full of power and strength.
Be praised my Lord through our sister mother earth,
who sustains and governs us
and produces different fruits with coloured flowers and grass.
Praise and bless my Lord and give him thanks
and serve him with great humility.
Source of Love
Bring us to life and we will proclaim your praise.
From the rising of the sun, till its setting
Your glory is proclaimed throughout the world.
The darkness is passing and you light up the world.
Bless you,
Because you have come to us.
You have set us free to worship you without fear,
Full of integrity for creation, justice and peace.
Jesus Christ,
We praise you here and everywhere,
Now and always,
Because by your life and death you have redeemed the world.
We pray for the Society of Saint Francis,
In its desire to make you known and loved everywhere,
In its desire to treat all creation as family,
In its desire to live simply.
Through lives devoted to contemplative prayer,
Meditative study,
And active service.
In the spirit of living humbly close to the earth,
Being in love with all creation,
And joining in all the ups and downs of life with joy.
We give you thanks for the Young Franciscans of the Society of Saint Francis
May we be brought together in community and prayer,
To glorify you,
After the example of our Brother Francis and Sister Clare,
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Source of Love
Hallowed Lover of Life
Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,
Now and forever.
Without you our labour is wasted,
but with you we can find strength:
pour your spirit on us;
give us pure intentions,
patient faith, sufficient success on earth,
and the joy of serving you in heaven.
O God,
By the life of blessed Francis
You have moved us to a love of simple things.
May we, after his example,
hold lightly to the things of this world
and store up for ourselves treasures in heaven
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
May God kindle in us the fire of his love,
Bless us, preserve us from all evil
And bring us to everlasting life.
Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.